How to grow a moustache fast


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Apr 16, 2024

How to grow a moustache fast

By Adam Cheung According to a paper by Scientific American, 15 per cent of all guys have learnt how to grow a moustache fast. This number has grown significantly over the past couple of years thanks

By Adam Cheung

According to a paper by Scientific American, 15 per cent of all guys have learnt how to grow a moustache fast. This number has grown significantly over the past couple of years thanks to the explosion of the male grooming industry, which is expected to be worth $115 billion globally by 2028 – an increase of about 53 per cent compared to 2021. Plus, a lot of people think porny 'staches just look kinda hot (and TikTok would agree).

In a separate research study, nearly 80 per cent of tachey dudes stated that they felt more confident with it. But one of the biggest issues they face is that the entire process just takes way too long. If you want to grow a moustache fast, Jack Gibson of London barbers Ruffians is here to impart some of his knowledge on what to do and what not to do.

#1: Train don't trim

While growing a moustache at a faster rate is actually very doable, unfortunately, it’s not going to happen overnight. On average, it takes up to four weeks to sprout a fully-formed moustache, but this time can potentially be shortened with these tips and tricks

“As with all hair, your moustache isn’t going to appear out of nowhere.” says Gibson. “You need to give it a few days to grow at least, and as soon as some fuzz begins to poke out, make sure you comb or brush it daily to train it to fall in the right direction. This might seem a little silly, especially during the early stages, but it's best to do it as soon as possible.”

#2: Stick to a style

Before you begin your journey, it's worth having a style in mind. From Tom Selleck's The Classic to Henry Cavill's The Halfway House, over the decades, Hollywood's leading men have grown some of the best 'taches that the world has ever seen, so make sure to check those out for a bit of inspo.

“Picking a style early on means that you'll know exactly what you're working towards.” says Gibson. “This means you won't waste any time training your hairs to go the wrong direction or accidentally shaving the wrong areas. Once you have a style in mind, you'll know exactly what shape to go for, which strays to keep at bay with a clipper, and what to wax off.”

#3: The myths aren't real

Contrary to popular belief, shaving your moustache doesn't actually make it grow back thicker or at a faster rate. In fact, this weird misconception was actually debunked by clinical studies from 1928, but even a century later, people still continue to believe it. Why? We have no idea.

“The idea of cutting your moustache regularly to encourage growth is a complete myth.” says Gibson. “By doing this, you’re simply slowing down the process. Sure, it’s fine to trim the ends and maintain the shape, but anything beyond that will just mean you’ll be waiting longer to sport that handlebar that you've always dreamt of.”

#4: Keep it clean

One of the biggest reasons why some dudes just give up growing a moustache is because it can get pretty itchy. Well, that's probably because you're not keeping it clean enough. Before you decide to shave everything off and start from scratch, there are some things you can try first.

“It seems obvious, but you’ll be surprised by how many guys avoid giving their facial hair the same attention they give the hair on their head.” says Gibson. “Washing and conditioning your moustache (and beard) two to three times a week will keep your fuzz clean and soft, and prevent it from drying up or falling out.”

#5: Pick your product

As well as keeping it clean with shampoo and conditioner, there are a few other products that you should consider investing in for faster moustache growth. Grab yourself a nice wax to help it keep its shape, and look into different beard oils as well.

“Beard oils that contain vitamins, jojoba oil, and pure argan oil can promote growth by keep your ‘tache healthy and naturally moisturising the skin underneath.” says Gibson. “This should be applied at least twice daily – once in the morning before you start your day and once at night before bed. It can feel a little greasy at first, but you’ll get used to it pretty quickly.”

#6: Size matters

There's nothing worse than waiting weeks and weeks for some fuzz to finally sprout, only for it come out thin and brittle. This kind of hair can fall out and break easily, meaning you'll have to go back to square one. However, there are some things that you can do to increase the thickness.

“Make sure that you're getting enough vitamin C in your diet,” says Gibson. “Research has shown that up to 1000mg a day can make your hair significantly thicker. Protein also plays an essential role here, as keratin promotes optimal growth. If you follow all of these simple tips and tricks, you'll have a head-turning moustache in no time!”

How to grow a moustache fast#1: Train don't trim#2: Stick to a style#3: The myths aren't real#4: Keep it clean#5: Pick your product#6: Size matters